
Ministry of Youth & Sports

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The development of the youth and sports has been of primary concern to the Government of Ghana. Thus, many attempts have been made in past and present aimed at balancing support for these concurrent areas. Nonetheless, these sub-sectors operated in several forms, singularly and collectively at different stages. However, in 1982, they were put together for the first time to form the then Ministry of Youth and Sports.  This arrangement was maintained until 2005, when the configuration was changed to merge the Ministry with Education for the formation of the erstwhile Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. In 2006, the Youth sub-sector was subsumed under the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare and renamed Ministry of Manpower, Youth and Employment whiles the part of sports was combined with science and the existed Education, to form the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports.

To maintain the trend, particularly among the Commonwealth of Nations, which acknowledged the inherent advantages and the close, natural affinity and functional relationship between the youth and sports, Government decided to merge the two sub-sectors again in January 2009. This has afforded the Ministry a special opportunity to focus more on youth and sports development.

Organisational Structure of the Ministry

The Head of the Ministry, is the Minister, assisted by a Deputy Minister. The Chief Director, who is the Administrative Head, is supported by four (4) line Directors: Policy, Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPBME), Research, Statistics and Information Management (RSIM), Finance and Administration (F&A) and Human Resource Management (HRM). Operationally, these higher-level officers, are assisted by Deputy Directors of Administration and their analogous grades, alongside a composite structure, referred to as Management. Additionally, key supporting staff: Chief Accountant, Director of Internal Audit and Head of Procurement, though outside the vertical spine of the Organogram, function concurrently with the Principal Officers in executing the mandate of the Ministry.

In concurrence with other Ministries, the Ministry of Youth and Sports superintends over the National Youth Authority (NYA), the National Sports Authority (NSA) and the National Sports College of Winneba (NSC-W), as its key agencies.  The Agencies, with the exception of NSC-W, have Governing Boards which are mandated to advise the Minister and provide strategic direction. The structure and operations of these Agencies are guided by their respective Acts.

Policy, Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (PPBMED)

This Directorate leads the technical processes for the development of policies, plans, programmes and budgets of all activities of the Ministry.  It caters for the design and application of monitoring and evaluation systems for purposes of assessing the operational effectiveness of the Ministry’s strategies and interventions.

The Directorate comprises the following Units: 

Policy Coordination Unit: The Unit initiates and coordinates the broad sector policies of the Ministry. 

Planning and Budget Unit: The Unit leads in the design and provision of plans based on a sound framework for the effective implementation of the Ministry’s planned programmes, projects and activities. It is also responsible for preparing sector budget and the provision of technical guidance to Management on budgetary matters. The Unit also keeps updates of all financial projects.

Monitoring and Evaluation Unit: The Unit ensures the provision of effective basis for measuring various stages of programmes and projects of the Ministry. It provides objective assessment of its programmes and projects.

Public Investment Unit: This Unit which is set up in the PPBMED, in accordance with the Public Financial Management (PFM), Public Investment, Regulation 2020 (LI 2411), is responsible for appraisal, selection, implementation and evaluation of projects.

Research, Statistics and Information Management Directorate (RSIMD)

The RSIMD conducts and commissions research into policy and strategy options for the Ministry. It maintains a data bank for effective and efficient decision-making. It also projects the good image of the Sector both within and outside the country by disseminating information on the Ministry’s policies, activities and procedures as well as providing a mechanism for receiving feedback on Government’s policies and activities.

The Directorate comprises the following units:

Research and Statistics Unit:   It conducts research into the activities of the Ministry and also ensures that requisite data is available for decision-making.

Information Management Unit:   The Unit is responsible for the dissemination of information of the Ministry and the collection relevant feedback from stakeholders. It facilitates public engagements by ensuring the accessibility of the Ministry to relevant platforms and media.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT): The ICT Unit initiates and maintains the information technology network and infrastructure for the Ministry. It also develops supports and integrates new technologies into the operations of the Ministry.

Human Resource Development and Management Directorate (HRDMD)

The HRDMD develops sector-wide policy on HR Planning, Succession Planning,          Training and Development and Performance Management. It also ensures that there is in place an effective and stable management framework consistent with the overall manpower needs of the Sector.

The HRDMD comprises the following units:

Sector HR Planning Unit:  This Unit initiates strategies and facilitates the career planning of staff of the Ministry. This involves regular deployment, secondments, postings, transfers, and development of Schemes of Service.

Sector Development and Training Unit:  This Unit initiates the review and development of career progress and training policies and guidelines. It also collates the training needs identified through staff performance appraisal systems for implementation. The unit also ensures the promotion of staff, based on approved requirements.

Sector Performance Management Unit:  The Unit is responsible for the implementation of frameworks for institutional and staff performance management including staff appraisal and performance contracts/agreements.

Finance and Administration (F&A) Directorate

The F&A Directorate which consists of the General Administration and Finance Divisions is the replica employer and overall overseer of the administrative operations of the Sector.

General Administration Unit: This Unit ensures that approved personnel policies in the Ministry on employment, personnel records, training, and wages and salaries administration are translated into good management practices and effectively carried out.  This Unit further ensures that services and facilities necessary to support the administrative and other functions of the ministry are available.  It also ensures the provision of an effective and efficient system for internal checks. The sub-units under the General Administration are as follows: –

Personnel Welfare Unit: The Unit manages the files and records of staff in the Ministry pertaining to recruitment, leave, promotion, salary issues, transfer, performance appraisal, etc.

Records Management Unit: It ensures that documents and information are properly stored to ensure confidentiality and easy accessibility.

Procurement and Stores Unit: The Unit is responsible for managing the procurement services and providing technical support on procurement processes for the Ministry. It also ensures the proper storage of all goods procured and ensures that stocks are replaced on time.

Transport Unit: The Unit is responsible for the proper management and provision of an efficient transport system of the Ministry.

Estates Unit: This Unit provides advice on estate management issues and ensures that repairs and works on facilities and equipment are properly carried out in the Ministry. Under the assurance of accountability of all assets of the Ministry, a fixed assets wing is established to keep track on assets acquired and owned by the ministry. It also advices on assets transitions.

Security Unit: The Unit is responsible for ensuring the safety of all staff and property of the Ministry.

Finance Unit: This Unit ensures that there is proper financial management and administration at the Ministry. The Unit also leads the administration of Treasury Management and Accounts Preparation at the Ministry. It also safeguards the interest of the Ministry in all financial transactions relating to revenue and expenditure. The Finance Unit further ensures the practice of proper and accountable administration. It also gives advice on all financial matters relating to the Ministry. The Unit comprises of the following sub-units:-

Accounts Unit: This Unit liaises with the Ministry of Finance and the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department (CAGD) to facilitate the release of funds and authorization for disbursement. It also provides technical backstopping in the preparation of the Annual Budget of the Ministry and Budget Hearings at the Ministry of Finance.

Treasury Unit: Examines and verifies the authenticity and accuracy of payment vouchers before authorizing for payment.

Resource Mobilization Unit: The Unit is responsible for facilitating the process for sourcing funds from donor partners and other stakeholders for implementing programmes and projects of the Ministry.

According to the organogram, the Chief Director has oversight responsibility on the units outlined below;

Internal Audit Unit: The Unit ensures systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve effectiveness of risk management, control and the administrative process at the Ministry. The unit advises management on how to better execute their responsibilities and duties.

Public Affairs and Communication Unit (PACU): The PACU develops implements and reviews communication strategies to market and communicate the Ministry’s policies, programs, projects and activities to the public and also receive and manage client responses and enquiries.

Client Services Unit: The Client Service Unit is set up to receive complaints and addresses them and also provides information on the nature of the operations of Ministry. The Unit deals with complaints from the public regarding services of the Ministry and ensures that genuine problems are addressed adequately in a transparent, timely and cost-effective manner. This Unit facilitates standardization of the services delivered by the Ministry and communicates to the public the exact services of the Ministry. The Unit also acts as a check on the Ministry to improve on service delivery to the public.


The Agencies operating under the Ministry are:

  1. National Youth Authority
  2. National Sports Authority
  3. National Sports College
National Youth Authority

The National Youth Authority has undergone several transformations since its establishment as National Youth Council by (NRCD) 241, 1974. In 1982, by administrative directive the Council was transformed into the National Youth Organising Commission (NYOC) with the focus on organization of mass National Youth Movement called the Democratic Youth League of Ghana (DYLG). It reverted to a council at the early stages of the operationalization of the 1992 Constitution. However, there had not been substantive law until 2016 when the National Youth Authority Act 2016, (Act 939) was passed and accented to on 30th December, 2016.

The Act 939 mandates the Authority to:

(a) formulate policies and implement programmes that will promote in the youth:

(i) a sense of creativity, self-reliance, leadership, loyalty to the country, discipline and civic responsibility; and

(ii) a sense of friendship and co-operation through exchange of ideas with recognised youth organisations in other countries in Africa and the world;

(b) develop the capacity of the youth to participate in decision making at all levels;

(c) establish and supervise youth leadership and skills training institutes; and

(d) in collaboration with the Ghana Youth Federation, organise annual youth conferences at the national, regional and district levels.


National Sports Authority

The National Sports Authority (NSA) started as Gold Coast Amateur Sports Council created by the enactment of Ordinance 14, 1952.  By the enactment, sporting activities in the Gold Coast were brought under one coordinating body for the development and promotion of Amateur sports.

On 1st July 1960, a Central Organization of Sports (COS) was established through a Presidential pronouncement, to replace Ordinance 14, 1952. The National Liberation Council (NLC) in 1966 renamed the Central Organization of Sports as the Sports Council of Ghana with the promulgation of NLC Decree 330 (NLCD 330).  In 1974 NLCD 330 was replaced by NRCD 254 and the Sports Council of Ghana became the National Sports Council (NSC).

In 1976 NRCD 254 was replaced with SMCD 54 and LI 1088 as the appropriate regulation. In other to ensure that the National Sports Council function more effectively and in line with International Standards, LI 1088 was amended to LI 1988.

Nonetheless, in 2016, when it was realized that the coordination, harmonization and the dynamics surrounding Sports Development had changed quickly within the global trends and requires state reactions to meet the contemporary trends, Sports Act 2016 (Act 934) was passed. The Act which was accented to on the 16th of December, 2016 elevated the National Sports Council to an Authority. Act 934 Mandates the National Sports Authority to:

a)     Collaborate with the private sector and other Agencies to organize and support citizens to participate in sports at District, Regional, National and International levels;

b)     Facilitate the organization of National Games;

c)     Issue licenses in respect of matters relating to sports;

d)     Provide financial and other assistance to a team or person to represent the Republic in international competition in or outside the Republic;

e)     Encourage citizens to participate in sporting activities;

f)      Advise the Minister on matters in relation to the promotion and development of sports;

g)     Ensure the development, establishment and management of public sporting facilities in the country;

h)     Collaborate with the Ministry to ensure;

  i.          the provision of necessary facilities required for building National teams;

ii.          the provision of funds for the purpose of managing National teams; among others.

National Sports College (NSC)

The training and development of sports became relevant since independence. There were attempts aimed at establishing a credible institution to provide sports training. Consequently, Supreme Military Council Decree (S.M.C Decree No. 54) 1976, moved the institutionalization idea but it became fully established and operational when the National Sports College was established by PNDCL 154, 1984.  The Mandate of the College by this instrument is to train and retrain technical human resources in the sports sector. It is also to research into new and innovative ideas that supports the development of technical personnel in the sports industry in Ghana. 


The College operates with the under stated functions:

(a)       Train and re-train Coaches, Sports Administrators, Physiotherapists, Managers, Marketers and Journalists.

(b)       Organize seminars, conferences and workshops on sports management, administration and on contemporary topical issues.

(c)        Provide camping facilities to national teams and local clubs preparing for national and international assignments.

(d)       Research into sports related issues and disseminate findings to sports performers.

(e)        Collaborate with various local and international bodies e.g. FIFA, I.T.F., I.O.C., G.O.C., G.F.A. etc. in the running of courses for technical and administrative resource persons.

(f)        Serve as an institute for departments and agencies under the Ministry for organizing Seminars, Conferences and Workshops on issues related to such departments and agencies at reduced cost.

(g)       Unearth and train groups of talented young boys and girls in various sporting disciplines, and

(h)       Undertake any other duty that may be assigned to it by the Ministry.